Owls, Doughnuts,
and Democracy (ODD)
Short Stories
Below are short stories written by Jason A. Taylor but published under his nomdeplume Jan Tailor on Smashwords. Please download these stories for free, but do know that they are not perfectly edited. That's why the stories are free.
How to email a epub to Kindle:
To add this epub file to your Kindle, email the file to your Kindle’s email address. All Kindles have email addresses attached to their Amazon subscription. To find your Kindle’s email address follow these steps:
Log in to Amazon
Under account and list select content and devices
Select devices tab
Find your Kindle in the list of devices and click on it
The Kindle email address will be listed here, ending with @kindle.com
Copy the address
Send an email to the Kindle address with the ePub file attached (no subject is needed)
You will receive a verification email, open it and verify
When you open the Kindle and it is synced ODD will be there
Are you looking for the perfect gift? Of course you are. Isn't it a lucky coincidence that the local mall has a contest for the perfect gift? Fingers crossed, you'll be the winner and your kid's hero.
Can a sewage treatment settling pond be endangered habitat? What makes fish a new species? Is that the type of diversity that should be saved, like kakapos or southern resident killer whales?
For generations, fishers and southern resident killer whales have shared the tradition of catching Chinook. But now the orcas get the salmon. Can the whales and the people still share something?
Warning! Adult content! Creeper is an app that helps people find sex workers that look like their long-lost crush by using facial and body recognition software. What harm is there in endulging a fantasy?